Are you ready to become a pilot?

Take our quick quiz to find out

Why do you want to become a pilot? (select all that apply)
What are your aviation goals?
Do you have any previous training?
How do you learn best?
Do you prefer to have a lot of structure and clear expectations, or do you prefer a more flexible approach?
What kind of guidance and support would you prefer from your flight instructor? (Select all that apply)
I prefer a personalized approach tailored to my individual learning needs and preferences.
I would like my flight instructor to be hands-on and involved in my training, providing constant feedback and guidance.
I prefer a structured approach with clear goals and objectives.
I prefer guidance that is supportive and encouraging, with a focus on building confidence.
Just for fun, do you know how a wing generates lift?
Anything else you'd like us to know?

Start Flying At Sun City Aviation Academy
Which pilot program are you interested in?
What are your aviation goals?
Do you have any previous training?
Anything else you'd like us to know?